the atomic revolution comic book
© 1957 M. Philip Copp

Oct 2003 PLEASE NOTE - due to bandwidth limits, there's a chance you will see red X's in place of these images. Please check back later if that's the case.

Information about the comic, from May 2003:

I found this wonderful thing (scroll down beyond introduction) completely by accident and on an apparently very lucky day at a house sale e
arlier this year. As far as I can tell this comic book is, forgive me for using this term but it deserves it unbelievably unknown. I even showed it to some friends who collect peculiar comics like this and none of them had ever heard of it (and a couple offered, no, demanded I sell it to them on the spot, heh. sorry.) nor could I find any mention of it in books or on the web. So enjoying the idea that this is a discovery, I have posted it here. It's certainly a very strange time capsule at the very least. A little disturbing and funny, too. Read through the whole thing for all the science and world-history lessons (the Manhatten Project and Ernest Rutherford panels are especially good) and enjoy the somewhat bizarre speculation on what good the Atom would soon do for mankind. My favorite bits are the predictions of strapping medical patients to nuclear reactors (page 22), and of our future as colonizers of the moon (page 33) - Quite a future atomic energy had planned for us back about fifty years ago.

Particularly though, I think this comic is just really beautifully done - and reading through it, it is difficult to believe that it's gone ignored for almost half a century. It's just so well written, conceived and illustrated. Every detail seems just perfect, especially the bold unconventional layouts for two-page spreads, like BUILDUP (pg 12) and PROPULSION (pg 16) - and the gorgeous use of spot-colors throughout the entire book's design. I really think it's one of the most interesting and beautiful looking comics I've ever come across, maybe you'll agree.

And what of its creator or team of creators? Who the hell made this? Well, we don't know, really. The only information given as to who created it is the copyright info, "© 1957 - M.Phillip Copp" - an Internet search says there's another comic from that time that Copp worked on, with a wonderful rightwing fear mongering title of "Crime Corruption & Communism". I'd really love to see this comic book! Please email me if you have scans, or know anything about any other M. Phillip Copp comics.

August 2003 Update:
Wow, well here we go. Scroll down to the bottom of this page for a link to a recently published webpage with a ton of research done on Copp and the Atomic Revolution comic. High praise to the researcher Greg Allen for finding out all these wonderful details. It is now known that Copp was actually an Art Director or Artist's representative, sort of a pasty politically conservative type, and that comics like this were produced by a team of (unfortunately) still anonymous illustrators - click the link for more interesting information (including a great NYT photo from 1956 of Copp approving art for page 30! There's a Disney connection too, for you conspiracy buffs)

Well, enjoy our past's take on today and the future...

best -- Ethan Persoff

Also on this website, be sure to check out HOOKED! - another great and previously unknown comic. About drug abuse from 1966.

and for music made from old obscure tapes and vinyl, check out SPREE and SNAP

nd now, here's the 1957 Atomic Revolution Comic.

Click on a thumbnail:









Additional researched information on the atomic revolution comic and M. Phillip Copp, courtesy

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